pain and blood .. part iv ..

You got to persist inside the ring with that raw dogged spirit that converges all your insides to knock your rival down. Its this innate undying spirit that grows within you as the game continues tempts you to drink that maroon concoction of pain and blood. You ought to keep dancing inside the ring dodging your opponent, enduring the pain and the blood sweat, that’s so crude and harsh to you physically hurting you, so gruelling, consequently making you to rely on your mental strength rather your mind power in tackling such intense pressure and action. You ought to endure the blood sweat, wherein this raw indomitable spirit tends to act as the pseudo pain killer augmenting your mental strength in going through such tough times of acid test, assisting you to carry on while grouping you with the entailed level of resilience, persistence and mental toughness. What’s all the more important in the arena is the never give up attitude that cardinaly leads you to triumph alongside with this raw spirit, knocking your rival down.


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